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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community

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Tanzania Education and Training Policy 2014 (2023 Edition)

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The Government of Tanzania aims to transform the nation into an industrial economy by 2025, in line with the National Development Vision 2025 and the Long-Term National Development Plan 2011/12-2024/25. This transformation necessitates the development of skilled, educated Tanzanians who are lifelong learners, contributing to sustainable national development and global economic competitiveness.


Educating Adults and Youth in Tanzania: Complementary Basic Education (COBET) and Integrated Community-Based Adult Education (ICBAE)

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This article talks about the National Strategy for Adult Education and Non-Formal Education in Tanzania (2003 to 2008).


Folk Development Projects in Tanzania

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The FDCs were established in the 1970s to meet the social economic challenge of the time target mainly the neo-literates.



Adut Education in a Village in Tanzania

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Get a historical look at adult education in Orngadida Village, Tanzania, as part of a comprehensive study conducted between 1981 and 1983.



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10 points pour tout comprendre et bien agir.

L’APENF – Burkina a le plaisir de vous offrir ce livret en espérant ainsi vous donner une idée précise de ce qu’est l’éducation non formelle.

L’association pour la promotion de l’éducation non formelle au Burkina (APENF – Burkina) est une association à but non lucratif, laïque, et apolitique. L’APENF est un maillon du Groupe de Travail de l’Education Non Formelle de l’ADEA.


Résumé du rapport de l’étude des modèles de financements de l’AENF en Afrique de l’Ouest - Afrique de l'Ouest

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La présente étude, réalisée par Pamoja Education sous le financement de DVV International, vise à dresser tous les modèles de financement de l’Alphabétisation et de l’Education Non Formelle (AENF) en Afrique de l’Ouest.


National Adult Literacy and Mass Education Rolling Strategy 2020/2021-2024/25 - Tanzania

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Tanzania National Adult Literacy and Mass Education Rolling Strategy 2020/2021-2024/25 (NALMERS) The Strategy aims to address various social challenges through comprehensive and inclusive literacy programmes.


Non-Formal Adult Learning and Community Education Strategy (NALCES) - Uganda

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Please find below the Uganda Non-Formal Adult Learning and Community Education Strategy (NALCES) for the period 2023/24-2027/28.