Submission of Articles

Please read on to learn how to submit an article.
Adult Learning and Education in Africa
Contributors are invited to submit articles on the topic per call. The Call for submissions will be announced on the MOJA platform. Abstracts and contributions must be written in English or French and in a style accessible to a wide audience. The final article must be submitted on the date to be announced.
All articles must be completed before or on the closing date
About MOJA Journal of Adult Education
Moja Journal of Adult Education is a journal committed to sharing and advancing knowledge and practical experience among the African adult education community to benefit the continent and its people. It is transdisciplinary in nature and strives to be inclusive in scope by accepting contributions which promote the intersection of theory and practice in adult learning and education in Africa. Practitioners, researchers and academics across all levels and sectors of adult education and adjacent fields are invited to submit contributions.
1. Submission guidelines
The following guidelines are intended to assist authors in preparing their contributions.
2. General
The MOJA Journal of Adult Education welcomes contributions from scholars, activists, researchers, policy makers, professionals, educators, and organisations interested in and concerned about advancing adult education systems. Submissions should contribute to developing new thinking and fresh debates in adult learning and education in Africa.
Contributors need to:
- Write in an accessible language (English or French);
- Use an understandable style;
- Inform, educate and/or raise debate;
- Provide analysis and an argument; and
- Ensure that the contents of the article attract the readers’ attention and provoke new insight on the topic.
We publish articles in various formats, which range from 1000 – 2500 words.
3. Formats of contributions
Article: should be based on topical issues in adult education on the continent including new research and should contain analysis and argument (2500 words maximum)
Focus: examines an aspect of a chosen theme in greater detail (2500 words maximum)
Profile: looks in detail at an organisation, project or legislation, or a person. The focus could be on the role and contributions of the entity to the field of adult education on the continent (1000 words maximum)
Report-back: covers reports on meetings, conferences, workshops, etc. (1000-1500 words)
Review: provides a review of important books, reports or documentaries (1000-1500 words)
Interview: records a conversation amongst a group of people or a one-on-one interview in which the writer asks the interviewee/s questions on a subject of significance (1500 words)
Open Forum: is a vehicle for debate and argument, or pieces that deal with argument and difference of opinion on a subject/issue (2500 words maximum)
Perspective: is an adaptable format in which writers use a more personal reflective, narrative style about an issue (2500 words maximum)
Poetry: a poem that speaks to the adult education community.
Contributions should be submitted in the following format:
File type: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman
Size: 11pt
Line spacing: 1.15
Justification: Left
Referencing: APA 6th.
All submissions should have the following:
Abstract: 250 - 300 words
Keywords: approximately 5 keywords
Bio: 100 - word author biography, including email address
Bio picture: head-and-shoulders photo in 300 dpi jpeg format
Contributors are encouraged to provide photos and/or graphics to illustrate their submission.
Selection and editing process
All submissions are reviewed. Articles and focus pieces may go through a double peer review process, while all other contributions are reviewed by at least one member of the Editorial Board.
Reviewers comment on the suitability of a text for publication in the journal, as well as provide comments to help develop the piece further for publication if required. Contributors will be asked to rework the paper accordingly. This date for resubmission will be communicated to the authors.
On resubmission, the piece will be assessed by the editor and a final decision made regarding its publication in the journal.
Please note that the Journal reserves the right to edit contributions with regard to length and accessibility or reject contributions that are not suitable or of poor standard.