ALESBA Training Course 2023

What is the ALESBA?
The ALESBA is a tool which can guide governments, civil society organisations, universities and other stakeholders (e.g., donors, the private sector, etc.) in the complex task of building sustainable adult education systems that can deliver ALE services to youth and adults in Africa. This includes ALE services such as adult literacy, non-formal skills training (agricultural, TVET, etc.), business skills training, life skills training, etc. depending on the context and needs in each country.
The conceptual framework at the heart of the ALESBA provides a holistic view of an ALE system. It identifies four system elements and 20 system building blocks within a generic systems framework applicable to all countries. The approach is implemented across five phases and includes all stakeholders involved in the implementation of ALE services, programmes and projects. The ALESBA can be implemented at any stage of system building. This applies to countries that want to improve their existing systems of ALE service delivery or wants to redesign the services and system completely.
The ALESBA was developed though an action learning process in the East/Horn of Africa region over the course of 6 years and has since been adopted by more than 10 countries in the Africa region. The approach is captured in a series of six booklets. It assists countries to build consensus among stakeholders and start the journey to assess the status of their current ALE system (from both a qualitative perspective and with a scoring tool), diagnose the challenges and blockages in the system to consider alternatives for redesigning/improving the system so that the new system can be piloted and tested before reviewing it for up-scaling at potentially national level.
Read more about the ALESBA by downloading the ALESBA booklets here:
- Introduction to the Approach and Toolkit
- Phase One – Consensus Building
- Phase Two – Assessment and Diagnosis
- Phase Three – Alternatives Analysis and Design
- Phase Four – Implement and Test
- Phase Five – Review, Adjust and Up-scale
The Course
The ALESBA course covers the six booklets (modules) in the approach. This includes the conceptual framework and all five implementation phases. The course is divided into three rounds of training, each round covering two of the six ALESBA booklets. The completion of the full ALESBA course takes place over a one year period and each round has to be completed before proceeding to the next round.
Who is the course for?
The ALESBA course is intended for staff from the following stakeholders/organisations:
Stakeholders | Who should attend? |
Government (local, regional/provincial, national) and from different ALE sectors, e.g., education, social affairs, agriculture, TVET, SMME, cooperatives, etc. | Experts and/or managers at any of the implementation levels. Targeting especially staff from line ministries responsible for ALE (at all levels of implementation) |
Civil society | Experts and/or managers from both local and international NGOs |
Universities | Academics from adult education/community development and related departments |
Multilaterals/donors | Experts from multilateral organisations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, etc. and from donor organisations who also play a technical role beyond funding. |
Other stakeholders currently playing a key role in the ALE system of the country | E.g., from the private sector, the media, etc. Evidence must be provided about the current active role of these stakeholders. |
How will the course benefit participants, participating organisations and countries?
The benefits of completing the ALESBA course are at three levels:
Individual participant level
Participants will gain first-hand knowledge and practical experience (through various assignments and engagements) in adult education systems building. By completing all three rounds of the course you will develop skills and capacity to:
- Unpack and explain the ALE system building framework with its system elements and building blocks across spheres of governance.
- Facilitate consensus building processes among diverse stakeholders with the aim of ALE system building.
- Assess the status of the current ALE system from a qualitative and quantitative perspective and diagnose the root causes for system blockages.
- Facilitate processes to find and analyse alternatives for the design a new/improved ALE system
- Play an active role in the implementation and testing of a newly designed system.
- Design and conduct a review of the ALE system and use the results to make adjustments and plan for the up-scaling of the system to a national level over time.
Organisational level
Organisations who support a staff member to join the ALESBA course will benefit by:
- Having access to new information, tools and processes that can improve the ALE work they are doing.
- Forming new relationships with other ALE stakeholders that will assist them to take up their role and mandate within the ALE system.
- Build the capacity of different staff members in the ALESBA toolkit which includes a range of tools and methodologies to support ALE system building.
Country level
Participating countries will benefit from a core group of multi-stakeholder experts that can support their organisations and a potential ALESBA steering committee/technical team to start the process of ALE system building with the use of the ALESBA tools and processes. The ultimate aim is to build a system that can improve ALE service delivery in the country.
At the end of each round of training participants will receive a certificate of attendance and at the end of the full course and after completing all assignments successfully, they will receive a certificate of competence in the ALESBA. This will serve as an entry point for more advanced courses in the ALESBA
Next Course
To be confirmed
This course will run weekly on a Thursday (2 hrs per session) over fourteen weeks. Participants will also have access to the course for self-paced and self-directed learning.