Upcoming events
ELOA-Online Round Table on “Learning and Aging in Organizations"
| Global Workshop
The ELOA network offers you the opportunity to attend an online round table which is part of its upcoming conference https://www.uha.fr/fr/actualites-agenda-1/agenda/th-esrea-eloa-conference.html (Mulhouse, 15-17 Jan.)
Full Title: “Learning and aging in organizations: Transformation, transitions and research challenges FOR the next decade”.
Venue/Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025,
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Place: University of Haute Alsace, ENSISA Lumière, room “Petit Amphithéâtre”
Remote participation via: link<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjcwNWNkMTMtMmY2Ni00YWM2LTk5MGQtMjQ3ZjdlMGY1YjJk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22158716cf-46b9-48ca-8c49-c7bb67e575f3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2264e6467e-9887-47db-ab23-a6538c7f6351%22%7d>
Call for Papers, Special Issue on Adult Education in the Context of Work
| Global Other
The Journal for Research on Adult Education is still calling for papers for its Thematic Issue 3/2025
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2025
Paper submission Deadline: 31 March 2025
Full Call available at: https://www.die-bonn.de/docs/ZfW-CfP-03-2025-EN_31102024.pdf
Past events
First East African Conference On Recognition of Prior Learning
| East Africa Conference
Research Meets Practice - Joint Webinar of the LLL Platform and Authors of Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning
| Global Webinar
Research Meets Practice - Joint Webinar of the LLL Platform and Authors of Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning - 22 Nov. 2024
The Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP), in cooperation with Springer’s International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, launched a new series of webinars to present cutting-edge research on lifelong learning to an interested audience. In a compact format, individual research findings and critical reflections on burning issues, such as the ecology of lifelong-lifewide learning for sustainable generative futures or learning for climate justice will be presented and discussed in the focus of social/political and the economic.
On 22 November, 2024, the second round of webinars entitled 'Research Meets Practice' will focus on a specific topic by Norman Jeffrey Jackson (LifewideEducation, Betchworth, UK) : A Lifewide-Ecological Concept of Lifelong Learning: Requisite for a More Sustainable Future?
Also, Jörg Markowitsch as co-host of this event (3s, Austria) will shortly reflect come up with a specific aspect of the International Handbook of LLL : Roles of Policies in Promoting Quality Lifelong Learning
This event will be opened by Elisa Gambardella, as President of the European LLL Platform and will be moderated by Balázs Németh as Vice-president of LLLP and co-host. Associate partners of this event are: eucen, PIMA Network and ASEM LLL HUB In case you are interested in this special aspect of lifelong learning please join us for the webinar by registering at this link: Register here
More details can be found here at LLLP website: Research Meets Practice The Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning | Lifelong
WEBINAR: Regional Africa preparatory meeting ahead of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC 6)
DATE: 12 November 2024
TIME: 13:00 to 15:00 (SAST) 14:00 - 16:00 (EAT)
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), in collaboration with Jubail Industrial City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a member of the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC), will host the Sixth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC 6) from 3 to 5 December 2024.
ICLC 6, like its predecessors, will provide an opportunity for GNLC members and learning city stakeholders to gather, strengthen ties and share experiences in learning city development. This year’s conference theme, ‘Learning Cities at the Forefront of Climate Action’, focuses on promoting climate consciousness and equipping local residents with the green skills needed to live in and support a sustainable society.
Participants will discuss strategies for unified climate action and explore how cities can work together to address climate change. The conference will also provide a platform for cities to exchange knowledge on climate initiatives and to showcase projects aimed at promoting community resilience to environmental crises.
The outcomes of the ICLC 6 will include an output document, outlining future policies and programmes to promote climate action in cities through lifelong learning, and a new operational strategy for the GNLC, developed through member city deliberations.
As part of the preparatory process for ICLC 6, the GNLC is encouraging members to hold regional or sub-regional meetings in advance of the conference.
Main objectives:
This regional preparatory meetings will offer an opportunity to strengthen existing regional networks or establish new ones. Held in the lead-up to ICLC 6, these meetings can provide a platform for structured dialogue and for strengthening the collaborative efforts of GNLC member cities within a UNESCO region or sub-region.
- addressing broader sustainable development issues relevant to the region, such as economic development, environmental protection, health and well-being, social inequality, poverty, migration, citizenship, digital learning, access to education and gender equality, among others, with targeted educational responses;
- collaborative efforts in the region, such as establishing regional networks, developing joint strategies and coordinating joint communications.
- agreeing on action points and to allow for assessing progress, exchanging experiences and good practices on regular basis.
- UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
- UNESCO Nairobi Office
- DVV International MOJA platform
- International Council for Adult Education/ PAMOJA
- Learning city governmental representatives/focal persons, experts from NGO and civil society
International Literacy Day Symposium - Tanzania
| East Africa Workshop
We are having an Academic Symposium to celebrate International Literacy Week 2024. Our distinguished guest of honor will be Prof. Carolyn Nombo, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. This year's theme is "Inclusion in Lifelong Learning for Skills, Resilience, Peace, and Development." Please check the flyer for further information.
Webinar: Teacher Voices in and for Lifelong Learning
| Global Webinar
Time indicated is Paris time.
You are warmly invited to the webinar ‘Teacher Voices in and for Lifelong Learning’ on 11 October 2024. The event is part of World Teachers' Day 2024 celebrations, and is co-hosted by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the UNESCO Section for Teacher Development.
Teachers play an essential role in upholding the right to education. To ensure quality education and learning opportunities for all, every learner must have access to a qualified teacher. Therefore, teachers must continuously engage in professional development to navigate and respond to the evolving expectations and challenges of societies worldwide. At the same time, teachers are pivotal in transforming education into lifelong learning systems, acting as 'facilitators of lifelong learning' who instill lifelong learning values, dispositions, attitudes, and skills in their students and communities.
As active agents of change, teachers possess the capacity to influence educational practices and shape learning environments. World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to recognize the transformative role teachers play in education, to reflect on the support they need to fully realize their potential, and to reimagine the future of the teaching profession together.
This webinar will explore how teachers' voices can contribute to shaping policies and practices of lifelong learning and how this, in turn, can promote lifelong learning among teachers and learners.
WEBINAR: Building alternatives through socially-useful and engaged scholarship
SPEAKERS: Enver Motala and Irna Senekal (South Africa)
DATE: 10 October 2024
TIME: 14:00
The presenters will address the most important challenges presented by the multi-dimensional crises facing (especially) communities that are socially marginalised, examine how they are responding to these challenges and explain what these responses mean for an alternative social system that aspires to building a genuinely democratic and humane society.
**ABOUT THE MOJA – AEHEAN Webinar Series**
MOJA, in conversation with adult educators in higher education in Africa, established a network that brings together scholars based in universities across Africa. The idea is that this network (AEHEAN) would grow across all the different regions of the continent. The main purpose of the network is to build relationships, partnerships and solidarity in adult education on the continent.
MOJA intends to facilitate and convene a series of webinar discussions. The purpose of these webinars is to support the development of the intellectual and practical capabilities of educators and their associates involved in activities relating to the study and practice of community-based learning and education on the African continent. MOJA's intention is to provide opportunities for such learning through developing the network amongst those who are involved and in the hope that the network will itself be generative of further development of these issues. MOJA believes that such a network will support the work of educators in the field, could influence their ideas and practices, their institutions and influence policymakers in this area. Most importantly it would strengthen the work of adult and community education where it is practised.
The purpose of the webinar series is:
- To stimulate a discussion about the relationship between learning, engaged scholarship and community-based education in the context of the development (or under-development) and history of the African continent.
- to provide an opportunity to educators in the higher education system drawn from countries in Africa to discuss issues which are pertinent to the work in relation to the issues referred to above.
- to stimulate a greater awareness of the contextual challenges facing communities and learning in such a context.
- to stimulate the development of thinking and the production of engaged scholarly and other forms of writing relating to these issues.
- to unearth useful writings and other materials, such as podcasts, webinars, and audio-visual materials which would be useful for the further development of an understanding of these issues.
MOJA will invite presenters who are familiar with and have experience in this area of work and distribute materials which are relevant to each webinar discussion to enable participants to engage with such materials in preparation for the webinars.
To support the purpose outlined above, MOJA is initiating a series of 3 webinars. These webinars will be facilitated by MOJA and its associates and will be rolled out over a period of 3 months. Following these, consideration will be given to the extension of the webinar series around topics that are relevant to and emerge from the initial group of webinars.
Key words associated with presentations: political economy; adult education; community education; socially-engaged scholarship; alternatives; social change; social justice; solidarity; praxis; co-constructed knowledge; climate change; community needs systems; livelihoods.
The time and date of the next webinar will be announced at a later date.
Upcoming events
ELOA-Online Round Table on “Learning and Aging in Organizations"
The ELOA network offers you the opportunity to attend an online round table which is part of its upcoming conference https://www.uha.fr/fr/actualites-agenda-1/agenda/th-esrea-eloa-conference.html (Mulhouse, 15-17 Jan.)
Full Title: “Learning and aging in organizations: Transformation, transitions and research challenges FOR the next decade”.
Venue/Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025,
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Place: University of Haute Alsace, ENSISA Lumière, room “Petit Amphithéâtre”
Remote participation via: link<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjcwNWNkMTMtMmY2Ni00YWM2LTk5MGQtMjQ3ZjdlMGY1YjJk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22158716cf-46b9-48ca-8c49-c7bb67e575f3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2264e6467e-9887-47db-ab23-a6538c7f6351%22%7d>
Past events
Call for Papers, Special Issue on Adult Education in the Context of Work
The Journal for Research on Adult Education is still calling for papers for its Thematic Issue 3/2025
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2025
Paper submission Deadline: 31 March 2025
Full Call available at: https://www.die-bonn.de/docs/ZfW-CfP-03-2025-EN_31102024.pdf