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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


The Magazine aims to promote the sharing of articles on topics relevant to the community of ALE professionals and practitioners in Africa – with a focus on new, topical information relating to the sector including new methods and approaches.

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    Tunisie: Connaissez-vous l'approche sémio-didactique ? - Tunisia


    | Monia Manai | DVVI TUNISIE Innovative practice

    L'approche sémio-didactique est une méthode d'éducation des adultes inclusive et collaborative qui utilise des signes visuels pour représenter les étapes d'une activité. Les apprenants créent collectivement ces signes lors d'ateliers pratiques, permettant une communication efficace même sans maîtrise de la langue écrite. Cette approche favorise la participation active et la co-construction des connaissances, renforçant ainsi l'engagement et la compréhension des apprenants. Chez DVV International Tunisie, nous valorisons cette approche pour son potentiel à rendre l'apprentissage interactif et accessible, en favorisant la diversité des méthodes d'apprentissage et en encourageant la collaboration et la créativité. Nous croyons en un apprentissage plus inclusif et enrichissant grâce à l'approche sémio-didactique.
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    Une meilleure gestion du point d’eau grâce au Cercle REFLECT - Mali


    | Mae Fastner. | DVV International Innovative practice

    Un village au centre du Mali n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner correctement son château d’eau. Afin d’assurer une meilleure gestion du point d’eau, le Cercle REFLECT du village s’est intéressé à cette problématique et y a apporté sa résolution.

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  • /uploads/_768xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/2-Les-villageoises-lors-de-la-construction-du-cordon-pierreux_kl.jpg

    Améliorer les moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs et éleveurs - Mali


    | Mae Fastner | DVV International Innovative practice

    Le Cercle REFLECT d'un village au centre du Mali a réussi d'améliorer les moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs et éleveurs en construissant un cordon pierreux.

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    Informal Economy workers adapting organizing under COVID 19 lockdown - South Africa


    | Vanessa Pillay | Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing(WIEGO) Innovative practice

    The onslaught of the COVID 19 pandemic was especially catastrophic for informal economy workers whose livelihoods were severely disrupted by strict lockdown regulations. Workers sought alternative ways to remain in touch with each other and raise awareness of their plight as vulnerable workers. Their cellphones became their organising and mobilising tools.

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    DVV International – Supporting the Establishment of a Robust Adult Education System in Uganda - Uganda


    | Caesar Kyebakola | DVV International – Uganda Innovative practice

    DVV International has a long history of working towards building a sustainable adult education system in Uganda. We have supported various adult education projects dating back to the early 1980s and have carried out a variety of activities in adult education in partnership and collaboration with government, universities, local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and networks.

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    DVV International Tanzania – A New Departure - Tanzania


    | Frauke Heinze | DVV International Tanzania Innovative practice

    DVV International embarked on its new project in Tanzania in 2020. Working closely with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), which is responsible for overseeing the sector, DVV International intends to contribute to building a robust and sustainable adult education and learning (ALE) system for the country.

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    National Union of Tunisian Women - Tunisia


    | National Union of Tunisian Women | National Union of Tunisian Women Innovative practice

    This video is produced by the partner of DVV International Tunisia, the National Union of Tunisian Women, and relates the challenges and motivation of learners in adult education centres.

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    The Women's Circle activating for change - South Africa


    | The Women's Circle Innovative practice

    The Women’s Circle (TWC) is a Non Profit Organisation (NPO) run by women who are actively working to strengthen the provision of free education on community health problems across 12 communities of Cape Town, South Africa ( known as the Cape Flats).

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