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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


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Climate Just Pedagogy – what lessons have we learned?

| Global Workshop

We invite you to a participatory workshop that asks:

Climate Just Pedagogy – what lessons have we learned?

Over the last eighteen months PIMA, in collaboration with the Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education (CASAE), Adult Learning Australia (ALA) and Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults (SCUTREA), has led a series of Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE) webinars and has produced a special edition of the its PIMA Bulletin 39 (Nov 21) which captures climate justice themes and gives examples. With recurrent intensified climate events, yet no apparent sense of urgency in many regions, we wish to deepen the dialogue and educational actions.

Co-hosted by PIMA, CASAE, ALA, MOJA, SCUTREA Invitation to Virtual Workshop

Date: 2 March 2022

Time: PDT 8am (Vancouver); 16:00 BST (London, UK); 17:00 CAT/CEST (Harare, Berlin); 20:30 IST (India); 03:00 AEDT on 3 March (Sydney) Length: 2 hours

The PIMA Bulletin No 39 will serve as the common reference text for discussions. We will assume this has been read.

Please register in advance for this event:

Co-host contacts:





Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII)

| Global Conference


CONFINTEA VII will take place in Morocco in June 2022. This event focuses on the effectiveness of adult learning and education policies within the overall framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNESCO Member States are encouraged to develop and implement policies, incentives, regulatory frameworks and institutional structures in support of adult education provision and delivery that build human rights, social justice and sustainability.

The main focus of CONFINTEA VII is the development of a new framework for action on adult learning and education. This new framework will replace the Belem Framework for Action (BFA) which was adopted at CONFINTEA VI.


Webinar: There are Plenty of Alternatives!


The Alternatives Project

WEBINAR: There are Plenty of Alternatives!

February 3

10:30 EST / 15:30 GMT-UTC

Zoom Meeting (2 hours) Translation in French and Spanish


We live on a bountiful planet filled with extraordinary human beings but facing some truly existential crises – COVID, climate change and environmental destruction, virulent poverty and inequality, rampant racism and sexism, and widespread war and conflict, to name some. These crises are systemic, built into structures of capitalism, patriarchy, racism, ableism, and more. But this is not a time for despair, this is a time for alternatives! Contrary to Margaret Thatcher's TINA, There is No Alternative, David Bollier coined the acronym TAPAS, There are Plenty of Alternatives. In this webinar, we at The Alternatives Project bring together five other organizations to share, celebrate, and discuss their outstanding work in examining, fostering, and enhancing global efforts to find education, social, economic, and political alternatives to transform dysfunctional and destructive existing systems. PLEASE JOIN US!



TAP is a diverse, transnational collective of progressive academics, union members, civil society activists, and social movement participants concerned with building a global collective critical voice oriented towards education and societal transformation.



REEVO is an international collective project that since 2012 promotes the collaborative construction of knowledge and networks about alternatives to learning and unconventional educational experiences from a critical, collaborative, open, and non-commercial perspective.


Ecoversities is about learners and communities reclaiming diverse knowledges, relationships, and imaginations to design new approaches to higher education.


WEAll is a collaboration of organizations, alliances, movements, and individuals working towards a well-being economy, delivering human and ecological well-being.


The Next System Project is an initiative of The Democracy Collaborative aimed at bold thinking and action to address the systemic challenges we face now and in coming decades, functioning as a research and development lab for political-economic alternatives.


The Global Tapestry of Alternatives seeks to build bridges between networks of Alternatives around the globe and promote the creation of new processes of confluence.


Ditsela National Labour Law Symposium

| Southern Africa Webinar

Theme: Workers and the Law: Labour Market Regulations and Inequality

Are present day labour market institutions and representative organisations fit for purpose and can they adequately address the challenges faced by workers within the current regulatory framework?

Ditsela host its first Online National Labour Law Symposium in partnership with the CENTROW (Centre for Transformative regulation of Work) and the CCMA. This symposium will focus on the recent Labour Law Amendments, how it affects workers in the workplace, their social welfare and in their own communities. It will also provide a learning space for sharing various experiences.

The Objectives and Target Audience of the symposium

This symposium provides a useful opportunity to share the research that has been undertaken on the impact of the post 2007 LRA. It will also provide a platform for the voice of workers on their workplace experiences regarding these amendments.

The key objectives of the symposium are:

  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information and experiences to shop stewards and organisers on the latest amendments to the LRA post 2007, and for the exchange of information to workers in the informal economy on the latest progress on the implementation of R204 in South Africa;
  • To build the capacity of shop stewards, worker leaders in MBOs of workers in the informal economy, and organisers to defend and advance the rights of workers in the workplace; and
  • To forge stronger unity and solidarity between worker leaders in the formal and informal economy across their different employment relationships.


Day One: Inputs by speakers on current labour market regulation and inequality, engagement with key note address / discussion on present day challenges confronting the organisation of formal and informal workers and the steps to build unity between these workers.

Day Two: Session of commissions and plenary discussion.


Adult education for resilience? COVID-19-induced pondering for practice

| Africa Webinar

South Africa

MOJA invites adult educators to a conversation with Astrid von Kotze, adult educator and activist. Astrid is and education activist working with organisations and people in poor working class communities in/around Cape Town, South Africa. Until 2009, she was Professor of Adult Education and Community Development at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, subsequently professor emerita at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Astrid has been deeply involved in cultural activism, and published widely on popular education, health and sustainable livelihood security.

In the conversation with Astrid, we will focus on the topic of Adult Education for Resilience? COVID-19-induced pondering for practice.

Resilience has become a buzzword ‘touted as a protective talisman against the effects of trauma, which individuals, communities and whole economies are told to cultivate. ‘ (Saner 2020) It has taken on the quality of moral virtue with ‘resourcefulness’ reframed as praise for one’s ability to continually adapt (Ames & Greer 2021). In this way, resilience is akin to the aspiration for education for ‘sustainable development’, a continuation of the same-old, with slight adjustments.

The questions are: what does ‘resilience’ mean? Should adult education go with the same-old? What are community/adult educators’ assumptions, and how do they relate to the realities of learner / participants on the ground? What ideas should be dropped, and what imaginings be taken on now, for the future? What are new ways of shaping adults educating and learning, in a (post-) Covid-era?

This webinar will critically examine notions of ‘resilience’, spotlight some of our assumptions about ALE, and propose a a life-affirming adult education for the future.


EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Innovative practices in adult learning: a global perspective

| Global Conference

On 12 and 13 October 2021, EPALE is hosting its annual Community Conference, which will be held entirely online. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss how adult education and learning can help reshape our society, promoting inclusive and sustainable models.

The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated vulnerabilities in our globalised and interconnected world, with profound and long-lasting effects. Fast-paced changes on multiple levels – digital, demographic, and environmental – have been the norm in recent times. In this context, the conference revolves around the concept of transition. Transitions are full of uncertainty and instability, but being inherently transformative, they also provide an extraordinary opportunity to sketch out new models, paying particular attention to the challenge of not leaving anyone behind.

The conference’s plenary sessions (public events available to view via the EPALE platform) will be split across two days.

But the conference doesn't end here!

Far from it! The following week, on the 18 and 19 October, the conference will continue, opening the stage for collaborative discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to have their say, taking part in four participatory workshops to be attended upon registration.

The EPALE Community Conference will also host 8 national panels to allow participants to deepen and discuss national priorities and practices… in national languages.

The full agenda will be available soon on this page.


The 9th Neville Alexander Memorial Lecture

TOPIC: Neville Alexander and the Struggle for Education, Nation-Building and Liberation

Prof Salim Vally - Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg; Director: Centre for Education Rights and Transformation; NRF SARChi Chair in Community, Adult and Workers Education

Mr Enver Motala - Research Associates Nelson Mandela University


Online International Course on Community-Based Environmental Education and Political Ecology in Latin America: Utopias, hope and praxis in the centenary of Paulo Freire

It is with great honor that we invite educators, activists, environmentalists, students to join us in the 4th edition of this free course in defense of public education, public and free healthcare systems, and social rights for all. Let's celebrate the Centenary of Paulo Freire denouncing the necrophilic politics across the globe and announcing concrete possibilities of transformation. The course purpose is to discuss pedagogical practices in Environmental Education in formal and non-formal contexts, emerging from popular struggles, social movements, traditional populations, indigenous peoples and groups in situations of socio-environmental vulnerability...

Access the link on Google Chrome and activate the automatic translations for English version!

Dates: 09/25 to 10/30

Synchronous activities: 09/25; 10/02; 10/09; 10/16; 10/23; 10/30 - (6 Saturdays). 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern time)

Texts and videos will be available in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The synchronous activities will be broadcast on YouTube in Portuguese language, and subsequently will be inserted English and Spanish subtitles.

Upcoming events

WEBINAR: Adult and Community Education (ACE) as Social Engaged Scholarship

Adult and Community Education (ACE) as Socially-Engaged Scholarship

SPEAKER: Ivor Baatjes (Canon Collins Trust)

This webinar focuses on the work of scholars in South Africa and selected case studies on the continent. The focus of this webinar is to engage adult educators, scholars and activist in a conversation about value of adult education as socially-engaged scholarship.

Date: 8 August 2024

Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (SAST) / 15:00 - 16:30 (EAT)

Click here to register


MOJA, in conversation with adult educators in higher education in Africa, established a network that brings together scholars based in universities across Africa. The idea is that this network (AEHEAN) would grow across all the different regions of the continent. The main purpose of the network is to build relationships, partnerships and solidarity in adult education on the continent.

MOJA intends to facilitate and convene a series of webinar discussion. The purpose of these webinars is to support the development of the intellectual and practical capabilities of educators and their associates involved in the activities relating to the study and practise of community-based learning and education on the African continent. MOJAs intention is to provide opportunities for such learning through developing the network amongst those who are involved and in the hope that the network will itself be generative of further development of these issues. MOJA believes that such a network will support the work of educators in the field, could influence their ideas and practices, their institutions and influence policymakers in this area. Most importantly it would strengthen the work of adult and community education where it is practised.

The purpose of the webinar series is:

  1. To stimulate a discussion about the relationship between learning, engaged scholarship and community-based education in the context of the development [or under development] and history of the African continent.
  2. to provide an opportunity to educators in the higher education system drawn from countries in Africa to discuss issues which are pertinent to the work in relation to the issues referred to above.
  3. to stimulate a greater awareness of the contextual challenges facing communities and learning in such a context.
  4. to stimulate the development of thinking and the production of engaged scholarly and other forms of writing relating to these issues.
  5. to unearth useful writings and other materials, such as podcasts, webinars, and audio-visual materials which would be useful for the further development of an understanding of these issues.

MOJA will invite presenters who are familiar and have experience in this area of work and distribute materials which are relevant to each webinar discussion to enable participants to engage with such materials in preparation for the webinars.

To support the purpose outlined above, MOJA initiate a series of 3 seminars. These webinars will be facilitated by MOJA and its associates and will be rolled out over a period of 3 months. Following these, consideration will be given to the extension of the seminar series around topics that are relevant to and emerge from the initial group of webinars.

Key words associated with presentations: political economy; adult education; community education; socially-engaged scholarship; alternatives; social change; social justice; solidarity; praxis; co-constructed knowledge; climate change; community needs systems; livelihoods


Webinar 2: On the history and political economy of adult education in Africa

A discussion with Yao Graham (Ghana)

Dr Graham will situate the context in which Education in general and Adult Education in particular is affected by the political economy of African, by reference to its many and complex historical and contemporary challenges and contradictions

Date: 4 September 2024

Time: 14:00

Webinar 3: Building alternatives through socially-useful and engaged scholarship

Enver Motala and Irna Senekal

Date: 10 October 2024

Time: 14:00

The presenters will address the most important challenges presented by the multi-dimensional crises facing especially communities that are socially marginalised, examine how they are responding to these challenges and explain what these responses mean for an alternative social system that aspires to building a genuinely democratic and humane society.

Read more

Past events


Le réseau Pamoja Education qui est composé des réseaux de quatorze (14) pays (le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, la Guinée-Bissau, la Guinée, la Gambie, le Ghana, le Libéria, le Mali, le Niger, le Nigeria, le Sénégal, la Sierra-Leone, le Togo et le Maroc) promeut l'éducation en tant que droit humain fondamental et fait le plaidoyer à l’endroit des gouvernements pour qu'ils respectent leurs engagements à fournir une éducation publique et un apprentissage tout au long de la vie gratuits, inclusifs et de qualité pour tous, en particulier pour les jeunes, les adultes et les communautés marginalisées ou exclues.

Pamoja Education a participé activement aux ateliers régionaux de préparation de la CONFINTEA 7 et à la CONFINTEA 7 proprement dite en 2022. Deux ans après la tenue de la CONFINTEA 7, il est important qu’un travail de veille soit fait afin que les engagements pris par les Etats soient respectés. C’est la raison pour laquelle Pamoja Education a prévu dans son plan de travail 2024, sur financement de DVV-International, Afrique de l’Ouest, un atelier de suivi de la CONFINTEA 7 du 8 au 10 juillet 2024 à Grand-Popo.

L’objectif global de l’atelier est de faire le suivi du cadre d’action de Marrakech adopté en 2022.

De façon spécifique, l’atelier permettra de :

  • favoriser l’appropriation du cadre d’action de Marrakech par toutes les parties prenantes ;
  • faire le point de la mise en œuvre des recommandations de la CONFINTEA 7 par le Bénin et le Togo et ;
  • valider une feuille de route relative aux actions prioritaires à mener par les parties prenantes du Bénin et du Togo au cours des trois prochaines années.

A l’issue de l’atelier :

  • les participants s’approprient le cadre d’action de Marrakech et le GRALE (Enquête du Rapport mondial sur l'apprentissage et l'éducation des adultes) qui est son instrument de suivi ;
  • la situation de référence de l’implémentation du cadre d’action de Marrakech au Bénin et au Togo est connue ;
  • une feuille de route (2024-2026) de mise en œuvre des actions prioritaires du cadre d’action de Marrakech est validé pour le Bénin et le Togo.




Représentant cabinet Ministère des Enseignements Secondaire et de la Formation Technique et Professionnelle



Directeur de l’Alphabétisation et de l’éducation des adultes ou son représentant



Directeur du FAAPLN ou son représentant



Représentant du cabinet du Ministère de l’Action Sociale, de la Promotion de la femme et de l’Alphabétisation



Directions de l’Alphabétisation et de l’Education Non Formelle



Commission nationale de UNESCO au Bénin



Commission nationale de l’UNESCO au Togo



Un représentant du RENOPAL



Un représentant des ONGs du Togo



DVV International






Equipe Pamoja



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Foundational Leadership Lifeskills Course

In collaboration with IFWEA affiliate - University of Limerick (UL ENGAGE)

We are offering an 8-week online course on FOUNDATIONAL LEADERSHIP to enhance your effectiveness when working in and with groups.

This course provides participants with essential skills to support individual self-efficacy and collective agency. Topics covered include practical skills needed to enhance effectiveness when working in and leading groups.

Who should join?

  • Educators and organizers looking to improve their skills in group dynamics and leadership.
  • Those interested in coordinating efforts and leading collective actions.

Training of Trainers: Participants will be equipped to teach this course within their own organizations and for their members upon completion.

Course Dates:

11 July -29 August 2024

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