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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


The Magazine aims to promote the sharing of articles on topics relevant to the community of ALE professionals and practitioners in Africa – with a focus on new, topical information relating to the sector including new methods and approaches.

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    Africa’s megacities threatened by heat, floods and disease – urgent action is needed to start greening and adapt to climate change - Africa


    | Meelan Thondoo | The Conversation Ecological Crisis Climate Change

    Cities cover just 3% of the planet. But they emit 78% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, absorb 80% of final global energy (what consumers use) and consume 60% of clean drinking water.

    African megacities like Lagos, Nigeria (with 21 million residents) and Cairo, Egypt (with 10 million residents) are experiencing significant temperature increases due to the urban heat island effect and climate change.

    Meelan Thondoo is a medical anthropologist and environmental epidemiologist who researches the health impacts of climate change in cities of fast-developing countries. She explains what cities in Africa are doing to mitigate climate change, and what further steps they need to take to protect their populations.

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    Climate Crisis: Dr. George Buleya Explores COP28's Impact on Adult Learning - Malawi


    | Dyson Mthawanji | DVV International Ecological Crisis

    The United Nations organised the Climate Change Conference, COP28 in United Arab Emirates from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

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    | Ganfoud Mohamed HAIDARA- Coordinateur Centre et Nord du projet SSF- Mali | DVV International Ecological Crisis

    Le Cercle REFLECT du village de Hondoubomou, dans la commune Alafia, Région de Tombouctou s’implique dans la protection du village contre les inondations.

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    After Cyclone Freddy: Conclusions to be drawn for our Adult Learning and Education (ALE) work in Southern Africa - Malawi


    | Dyson Mthawanji & Gerhard Quincke | DVV International Ecological Crisis

    ALE has an important role to play in raising awareness about climate justice and helping communities cope with the impacts of extreme weather events. The recent Cyclone Freddy in Southern Africa is a wake-up call for the whole world.

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    Climate change drowning West African coastline


    | Isaac Kaldzi Ecological Crisis

    Many coastal communities along the coast line of Africa depend on the ocean for food and sustainable livelihoods.

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    South Africa’s framework for a just transition fails to recognise the climate emergency - South Africa


    | Vishwas Satgar, Charles Simane, Awande Buthelezi, Jane Cherry and Ferrial Adam Ecological Crisis

    In this article, activist-scholars provide a critique of South Africa’s framework for a just transition in light of the “climate emergency and crisis”.

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    Un projet qui combine des innovations agricoles et l'éducation des adultes - Mali


    | Yaya Traoré | DVV International Ecological Crisis

    De son lancement en 2014, le projet a introduit des innovations au niveau du secteur agricole et agro-alimentaire pour contribuer à un développement rural durable.

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    Climate change is hitting Africa's staple crops, increasing parasites - UN report.


    | Lameez Omarjee, Ecological Crisis

    In this article Lameez Omarjee highlights the reduction in agricultural productivity in Africa. The reduction in staple foods such as maize and wheat is of particularly concern in the context of climate change that continue to affect ecosystems in different part of the world.

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