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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


The Magazine aims to promote the sharing of articles on topics relevant to the community of ALE professionals and practitioners in Africa – with a focus on new, topical information relating to the sector including new methods and approaches.

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    Adult education and learning in the time of COVID-19: African voices and experiences - South Africa


    | The MOJA Team | Photo Credit: Yusuf ALE under Covid-19

    We are living in uncertain and unprecedented times. COVID-19 has spread throughout the African continent. In July, 2021, COVID-19 has affected 47 countries on the continent with more than 5 million cases and 140,000 reported deaths. The roll out of vaccine has been slow. The World Health Organisation says that 200 million doses is required to vaccinate 10% of the African population by then end of September 2021.

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    Shaping the “New Normal” – The role of Adult Learning and Education in coping with the corona pandemic


    | DVV International | DVV International ALE under Covid-19

    Societies around the globe have been hit hard by the coronavirus (COVID-19). People are being affected in their daily lives and are concerned about the consequences for their health, jobs and well-being.

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    Compassionate leave - South Africa


    | Ingrid De Kok ALE under Covid-19

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    The impact of Covid on the work of The Women's Circle - South Africa


    | The Women's Circle ALE under Covid-19

    Vanessa Reynolds, co-ordinator of the TWC says: Everyone says Covid has made everyone equal. It is not true. It has deepened inequality on the ground.Vanessa Reynolds, co-ordinator of the TWC says: Everyone says Covid has made everyone equal. It is not true. It has deepened inequality on the ground.

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    Some lessons from Corona times - South Africa


    | Astrid von Kotze ALE under Covid-19

    The language of enemy, fighting, defense –the crisis of Covid-19 has been described as a war akin to the world wars. But while then country was pitted against country, this one has a common enemy and requires global collaboration to fight and defeat it.

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    La Covid-19 et l’éducation des adultes


    ALE under Covid-19

    La COVID-19 a créé une crise sanitaire qui affecte toutes les composantes de l’éducation. Selon l’UNESCO, les fermetures des écoles affectent plus de 90% de la population étudiante du monde.

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    Covid-19 et l’apprentissage des adultes à distance au Maroc


    ALE under Covid-19

    Les mesures de lutte contre le COVID-19 au Maroc ont un impact direct sur l’éducation en général et l’éducation des adultes en particulier : avec la fermeture des structures éducatives et le confinement à domicile, un nombre record de jeunes et d'adultes ne peuvent plus aller à l’école, à l’université ou aux centres non formels d’éducation des adultes.

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    Increasing the visibility of ALE in Malawi - Malawi


    ALE under Covid-19

    Education is a fundamental and indispensable human right that is key to the achievement of sustainable development – personal, community and national. Thus, it is not surprising that governments, donors and civil society stakeholders concentrate a lot of their efforts and funding on improving basic, secondary and tertiary education.

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