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White Paper for Post School Education and training


In January 2012, the Green Paper on Post-School Education and Training was released for public comment. It received a great deal of attention from stakeholders in the post-school system.

This White Paper seeks to set out a vision for the type of post-school education and training system we aim to achieve by 203o. It has been developed after consideration of the nearly 200 responses to the Green Paper received from educational institutions, Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), employer groupings, trade unions, other organisations and individuals, as well as further reflection within the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) on the challenges facing the sector.

The post-school system is understood as comprising all education and training provision for those who have completed school, those who did not complete their schooling, and those who never attended school. It consists of the following institutions, which fall under the purview of
the DHET:

White Paper on Post School education and training South Africa 2014 208.393 KB

Organisation Department of Higher Education and training

Author Department of Higher Education and training

Topic Policy and legislation

Region Southern Africa


Sector Academia

Type Government gazette