Reigniting Hope: 50 Years of Adult Education in Tanzania
Tanzania celebrates 50 years of adult education
“Adult Learning and education is a cross-cutting issue, it needs collaboration from different actors, governmental and non-governmental, to redefine the scope and target group for adult education programmes in Tanzania”, said the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, His Excellency Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa (MP), at the international conference marking 50 years of adult education in Tanzania.
The conference was hosted at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania from 9 to 11 June 2021 with the theme “Revitalising Adult Education for Sustainable Development”. The idea originated with the first President of United Republic of Tanzania Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, who named the year 1970 as Adult Education Year in Tanzania. The conference offered the possibility for governmental officials, researchers, practitioners and international organisations from within and outside of Tanzania to reflect on the strong history of Tanzania in adult learning and education (ALE) and discuss and share new approaches, challenges, and to put this into an international perspective. One outcome of this event is the book REIGNITING HOPE 50 Years of Adult Education in Tanzania.
REIGNITING HOPE 50 Years of Adult Education in Tanzania is a collection of varied perspectives on adult and non-formal education in Tanzania authored by 10 adult educators. The book focuses on the vision of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere on adult education and the context in which the various adult, non-formal and continuing education programmes were conceived, originated and managed. It is a country account of research, policy and practice of adult, non-formal and continuing education programmes and it comes at the right time when Tanzania is celebrating 50 years since the declaration of 1970 as the Adult Education Year. The authors hope that, as we mark this occasion the book will stimulate discussion among academics, adult education students, researchers and adult education practitioners on how to revitalize the provision of adult, non-formal, open and distance and continuing education initiatives in the country.
Organisation Dar es Salaam University Press
Author Budd Hall, Philemon Mushi & Philipo Sanga (Editors)
Topic ALE
Region East Africa
Country Tanzania
Sector Academia
Type Journal / Magazine