Creating knowledge through Community Education
This article will explore one of the intricate issues that we consider and deal with in our work: the issue of knowledge. Our work in the Community Education Programme is part of a broader research and development programme into post-school education and training at the Centre for Integrated Post School Education and Training. It looks to create the practice and theory necessary within a participatory curriculum for community adult non-formal education. I will begin by laying out some of the ideas I have about “how we know what we know”, and how this effects how we teach, learn and create new knowledge. It will also look at how our knowledge is interlaced with our beliefs about the world – for this stems from what we understand about power and agency and its relationship to the ways knowledge is created and can be used to recreate social inequality.
Organisation Centre for Integrated Post-School Education and Training (CIPSET) Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
Author Thalia Eccles
Topic Building Community Education Programmes
Region Southern Africa
Country South Africa
Type Research brief Research paper