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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


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Stable, Happy Family

Fostering self-sufficiency through community empowerment and quality education

Unbound is an international non-profit organization, headquartered in Kansas City – USA, working with persons of all faith traditions to create a worldwide community of compassion and service. In Uganda, Unbound is registered as a Non-Government organization under registration number INDR150243660NB and our services are spread out in the Central Region in 8 districts of Gomba, Kyotera, Lwengo, Masaka, Mityana, Mpigi, Rakai, and Wakiso where we reach out to over 11,000 vulnerable rural households.

To deliver on our vision and mission, Unbound Kampala strategically pursues key program areas in; Education and Protection, Livelihoods, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Health and Advocacy.

We are guided by our 5-year strategic plan (2023 – 2027) which is in tandem with Uganda’s social, economic, environment and political context in addressing the needs of rural vulnerable households and making community development contributions. The strategy is further aligned with Uganda’s NDP III and at a global context with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs – 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,13&16).

Under our Education program is a key component of Adult Learning and Education; Youth that have dropped out of the formal education system are enrolled into skilling programs (apprenticeship) and supported with tuition and other school supplies and under the Integrated Community Learning for Wealth Creation (ICOLEW) program, illiterate/semi illiterate parents/guardians are supported to acquire basic reading, writing and numeracy skills as well establish or strengthen existing livelihoods to improve their way of life and enhance meaningful participation in household and community engagements.

Our interventions are designed to ensure that households are aware about their rights and participate in influencing community change which is done through stakeholder engagement meetings, building strategic alliances for a common voice and undertaking partnerships with government for joint efforts in implementation of programs.

Contact details:

P.O. Box, 11865, Kampala, Uganda

Region East Africa

Country Uganda

Sector Civil society organisation / NGO