Karibu Tanzania Organization - KTO
Visit WebsitePURPOSE
- To help to create well-informed, socio-economically empowered and active citizens in a just and sustainable Tanzanian society
- To contribute to the socio-economic advancement of Tanzanian society through folk and adult education at the Folk Development Colleges as a way to encourage progressive communities, citizen engagement, democratic practices, gender equality, and sustainable development.
Karibu Tanzania Organization (KTO) is a national level member-based Non-Governmental Organization working with Folk Development Colleges (FDCs) in Tanzania since 1990s. As an umbrella organization, KTO connects and provides capacity strengthening support to the FDCs as institutions to be able to fulfill their task in promoting adult education, folk education, community development and vocational training. Majority of FDCs operate in rural areas with a mission of providing access to training to young adults in areas relevant to their local communities.
KTO is currently implementing three main programs: Elimu Haina Mwisho - Skills development program for young women through FDCs; and Mpira Fursa – Tanzania Women Football program, that are both implemented in 54 FDCs; and the Expanded Access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) training through 10 FDCs. Through these programs which are implemented in close collaboration with respective ministries, KTO endeavors to strengthen FDCs as platforms working for gender equality through lifelong learning and inclusive education.
KTO’s goal is to contribute to the socio-economic advancement of the Tanzanian society through FDCs, as a way to ensure progressive communities, democratic practices, citizen engagement, gender equality and sustainable development.
To reach this broad goal, KTO’s Implementations are clustered into three main strategic focus areas namely:
- Revamping FDCs as canters for training, innovation and platforms for citizen engagement
- Enhancing gender equality, lifelong learning and human development through FDCs
- Lobbying for folk and adult education nationally and internationally, and expansion of FDC as a concept.
Facebook/Instagram: @officialktotz X: @ktotz_official YouTube: KTOtz @officialktot
Mwindu Lane - Off Kinondoni road, P.O. Box 13192, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Region East Africa
Country Tanzania
Sector Civil society organisation / NGO