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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community

Association pour la Promotion de l’Education Non Formelle (APENF)

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Mission statement

  • To be a strategic partner, a pool of expertise and a reference in basic education, vocational training and socio-economic integration.
  • To make an outstanding contribution to the dynamics and significant achievements of the non-formal education sub-sector;
  • To provide ongoing advocacy for quality non-formal education;
  • Work to become a key player in political dialogue;
  • Supporting the State's efforts in its non-formal education policy, based on the "faire faire" strategy, in particular by providing municipalities and operators with the necessary skills;
  • Participate actively in the process of scaling up educational innovations;
  • Conducting research into the development of non-formal education as part of the holistic vision and capitalising on experience.

Association de la société civile du Burkina Faso, Receipt number 2352 of 08 August 201

Contact details

Dassasgho 11BP 692, Ouagadougou CMS 11, telephone: +226 25366559

Region West Africa

Country Burkina Faso

Sector Civil society organisation / NGO