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UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, July 2024

19 July 2024 | UIL | UNESCO-UIL ALE

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Dear Reader,
Welcome to the July 2024 edition of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) newsletter. 

This month, we are thrilled to spotlight our exhibition, ‘Lifelong Learning for All – Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies’, held in conjunction with the 2024 session of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. This exhibition, hosted in collaboration with the United Nations Group of Friends for Education and Lifelong Learning, underscores the crucial role of lifelong learning in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, we highlight our capacity-building programme aimed at strengthening adult learning and skills development across the Arab region, share information about our upcoming webinars as part of the series ‘Building Green and Climate-Resilient Urban Communities – The Learning Cities Approach’, feature the latest issue of the International Review of Education, and much more.

I wish you an enjoyable read.

Isabell Kempf
Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
