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Tanzania Education and Training Policy 2014 (2023 Edition)

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The Government of Tanzania aims to transform the nation into an industrial economy by 2025, in line with the National Development Vision 2025 and the Long-Term National Development Plan 2011/12-2024/25. This transformation necessitates the development of skilled, educated Tanzanians who are lifelong learners, contributing to sustainable national development and global economic competitiveness. Key Goals: Enhance human resource development to prepare skilled and knowledgeable Tanzanians. Provide equitable and quality education and training opportunities for all. Align the education and training system with national, regional, and international standards. Focus Areas of the 2023 Edition: System Efficiency and Effectiveness: Strengthen the education and training system for better productivity. Expand access to diverse educational opportunities. Curriculum Improvement: Update curricula to meet national development needs and enhance global job market competitiveness. Inclusive Education: Promote the use of Kiswahili, English, Tanzanian Sign Language, and other foreign languages. Enhance inclusive education for all learners. Assessment and Certification: Improve examination, assessment, and certification processes. Introduce skill certification at all education levels. Leadership and Governance: Strengthen educational leadership and management. Increase funding and financial management for education. The policy traces its evolution from the early education reforms post-independence in 1961, through various strategic shifts, including the Education for Self-Reliance policy of 1967 and subsequent adjustments responding to economic and social changes. The 2014 policy underwent reviews leading to the current 2023 edition to address emerging challenges and align with national and international educational objectives. The 2023 edition of the Education and Training Policy outlines comprehensive strategies to overcome existing educational challenges, enhance quality, and ensure the system's relevance to the dynamic socio-economic landscape, ultimately aiming for a well-educated and skilled Tanzanian population by 2025.

Educating Adults and Youth in Tanzania: Complementary Basic Education (COBET) and Integrated Community-Based Adult Education (ICBAE)

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This chapter details the National Strategy for Adult Education and Non-Formal Education in Tanzania, which was set to be carried out from 2003 to 2008. The objective was to implement educational programmes tailored to adults, youth, and children who are not attending school. The Integrated Community Based Adult Education (ICBAE) and Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) programmes were given top priority. To ensure the effective implementation of these programmes, Council Implementers have undergone training to decentralize the planning and management of adult and non-formal education programs.

Folk Development Projects in Tanzania

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The FDCs were established in the 1970s to meet the social economic challenge of the time target mainly the neo-literates. They began to function effectively from the beginning of 1976 and are conceived as one of the programmes for meeting the needs and challenges of post-literacy continuing education by providing residential educational opportunities, both general and vocational, for rural development. Among many other non-formal education programmes in Tanzania, the FDC programme reflects Tanzania's strong political commitment to the cause of providing adult education and non-formal education aimed at improving, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the social and economic conditions of the vast majority of the people who live in the rural areas.

Adut Education in a Village in Tanzania

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Get an in-depth look at adult education in Orngadida Village, Tanzania, as part of a comprehensive study conducted between 1981 and 1983. The study explores the practice of adult education within the context of Tanzania's socialist transformation, initiated by former President Julius Nyerere. Focusing on one village among three and one factory studied, this resource provides valuable insights into the implementation and impact of adult education at the village level and its connection to broader social, economic, and political systems. Adult education in Tanzania has been closely linked to the country's socio-political goals, especially following the Arusha Declaration in 1967. President Nyerere's vision of socialism emphasized equality, human dignity, resource sharing, and self-reliance, with adult education playing a crucial role in achieving these ideals. This resource highlights the evolution of adult education in Tanzania, from the colonial period through independence, and its alignment with socialist principles. This resource is essential for anyone interested in the history and development of adult education in Tanzania, particularly in the context of socialist policies and rural development. It offers a comprehensive view of how adult education programs were designed and implemented at the village level, reflecting broader national and international influences.


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Résumé du rapport de l’étude des modèles de financements de l’AENF en Afrique de l’Ouest - Afrique de l'Ouest

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La présente étude, réalisée par Pamoja Education sous le financement de DVV International, vise à dresser tous les modèles de financement de l’Alphabétisation et de l’Education Non Formelle (AENF) en Afrique de l’Ouest.


National Adult Literacy and Mass Education Rolling Strategy 2020/2021-2024/25 - Tanzanie

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National Adult Literacy and Mass Education Rolling Strategy 2020/2021-2024/25 in Tanzania The National Adult Literacy and Mass Education Rolling Strategy (NALMERS) 2020/2021-2024/2025 aims to address this through comprehensive and inclusive literacy programmes. NALMERS was developed with contributions from various stakeholders, including MoEST, PO-RALG, and the Institute of Adult Education (IAE). The strategy aims to provide guidance for implementing adult literacy and mass education programs, recognizing literacy as essential for personal, social, economic, and political development. MoEST, in collaboration with PO-RALG, leads the implementation of NALMERS. The strategy outlines a clear implementation framework, monitoring and evaluation processes, and financing mechanisms. Objectives of NALMERS • Develop accessible, quality adult literacy and mass education programs. • Implement a robust policy framework. • Promote literacy-supportive systems and data management. • Establish effective assessment frameworks. • Develop quality teaching and learning materials. • Build capacity among facilitators and coordinators. • Promote research and innovation in adult literacy.

Non-Formal Adult Learning and Community Education Strategy (NALCES) - Ouganda

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Here is the Non-Formal Adult Learning and Community Education Strategy (NALCES) for 2023/24-2027/28! This comprehensive strategy aims to revolutionize adult education in Uganda, providing a robust framework to foster lifelong learning and inclusive community development. Designed through a collaborative and participatory process, NALCES addresses the critical gaps and challenges identified in previous adult education initiatives. It emphasizes creating a qualitative learning system that empowers both youth and adults, ensuring that every learner has access to sustainable and equitable educational opportunities. Key objectives of NALCES include developing inclusive and high-quality NALCE programs, establishing flexible learning pathways through an assessment and accreditation framework, strengthening governance and coordination for effective service delivery, promoting evidence-based policy formulation and implementation, building the capacity of stakeholders at all levels for effective lifelong learning, and operationalizing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system. The strategy outlines various interventions to achieve these goals, such as establishing learning spaces, providing inclusive learning materials, enhancing the quality of education programs, and fostering strategic partnerships. By addressing these areas, NALCES seeks to create a transformative impact on adult education in Uganda, making lifelong learning accessible and beneficial for all. Join us in this journey towards a brighter, more educated future. Dive deeper into NALCES and discover how we are shaping the landscape of adult education in Uganda.