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Tanzania Education and Training Policy 2014 (2023 Edition)

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The Government of Tanzania aims to transform the nation into an industrial economy by 2025, in line with the National Development Vision 2025 and the Long-Term National Development Plan 2011/12-2024/25. This transformation necessitates the development of skilled, educated Tanzanians who are lifelong learners, contributing to sustainable national development and global economic competitiveness. Key Goals: Enhance human resource development to prepare skilled and knowledgeable Tanzanians. Provide equitable and quality education and training opportunities for all. Align the education and training system with national, regional, and international standards. Focus Areas of the 2023 Edition: System Efficiency and Effectiveness: Strengthen the education and training system for better productivity. Expand access to diverse educational opportunities. Curriculum Improvement: Update curricula to meet national development needs and enhance global job market competitiveness. Inclusive Education: Promote the use of Kiswahili, English, Tanzanian Sign Language, and other foreign languages. Enhance inclusive education for all learners. Assessment and Certification: Improve examination, assessment, and certification processes. Introduce skill certification at all education levels. Leadership and Governance: Strengthen educational leadership and management. Increase funding and financial management for education. The policy traces its evolution from the early education reforms post-independence in 1961, through various strategic shifts, including the Education for Self-Reliance policy of 1967 and subsequent adjustments responding to economic and social changes. The 2014 policy underwent reviews leading to the current 2023 edition to address emerging challenges and align with national and international educational objectives. The 2023 edition of the Education and Training Policy outlines comprehensive strategies to overcome existing educational challenges, enhance quality, and ensure the system's relevance to the dynamic socio-economic landscape, ultimately aiming for a well-educated and skilled Tanzanian population by 2025.
Annex 4 4 Sera ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Elimu 2014 toleo la 2023 1 0 684,304 KO

Organisation MoEST

Author Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Publication Date 23 juillet 2024

Topic Education For All

Region East Africa


Sector Public sector

Type Policy & legislation