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Adut Education in a Village in Tanzania

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Get an in-depth look at adult education in Orngadida Village, Tanzania, as part of a comprehensive study conducted between 1981 and 1983. The study explores the practice of adult education within the context of Tanzania's socialist transformation, initiated by former President Julius Nyerere. Focusing on one village among three and one factory studied, this resource provides valuable insights into the implementation and impact of adult education at the village level and its connection to broader social, economic, and political systems. Adult education in Tanzania has been closely linked to the country's socio-political goals, especially following the Arusha Declaration in 1967. President Nyerere's vision of socialism emphasized equality, human dignity, resource sharing, and self-reliance, with adult education playing a crucial role in achieving these ideals. This resource highlights the evolution of adult education in Tanzania, from the colonial period through independence, and its alignment with socialist principles. This resource is essential for anyone interested in the history and development of adult education in Tanzania, particularly in the context of socialist policies and rural development. It offers a comprehensive view of how adult education programs were designed and implemented at the village level, reflecting broader national and international influences.
1987 05 18 Adult Education in a Village in Tanzania 6,946 MO

Organisation Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA)

Author Aikael N. Kweka

Publication Date 20 juillet 2024

Topic ALE

Region East Africa


Sector Public sector

Type Other