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CarnaJloud: The Seeds of a Typical Carnival

3 juillet 2024 | Oumayma Kefi | DVV International Tunisia Environment


On June 10, 2025, the Centre Culturel de la Montagne hosted the event CarnaJloud, a youth mini-carnival based on sacrificial skins. This carnival is the result of a festive clothing design workshop led by young designers Ahmed Jaafar, Renim Guinoubi, Osama Souli, and Yassri Gharbi, under the direction of researcher Farah Limam and the supervision of Chiraz Mosbah.

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This group of young creatives is directed by Imen Sallem, with the assistance of Dr. Amel Cheriaa, both of whom teach fashion design at the Institut de la Mode in Monastir. The puppet artist Mohammed Noeir created a giant puppet for the mountain shepherd, while researcher Marwa Gdima crafted "The Imprint of Poisonous Plants" on clay and integrated it into leather frames.

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This experimental carnival is a preview of a larger popular carnival that will use primary materials from the mountain. The skins used were collected during Eid al-Adha and prepared by artisans for this high-quality artistic workshop.

The CarnaJloud event marked an important step in valuing local cultural traditions and artistic innovation. By combining ancestral skills with a modern and creative approach, the young designers and artists succeeded in bringing to life a unique carnival. This initiative not only highlighted the potential of the mountain's natural materials but also strengthened the ties between culture, art, and the community. The success of this first edition suggests a promising future for CarnaJloud, which could become a key event celebrating the heritage and creativity of the region.

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