ALE Practices
L'adoption et la mise en lumière des pratiques d'Apprentissage et d'Éducation des Adultes (ALE) en provenance d'Afrique revêtent une valeur immense pour notre communauté de praticiens de l'éducation des adultes. Le paysage dynamique de l'Afrique offre une multitude de perspectives diverses et d'approches innovantes en matière d'apprentissage des adultes. En répertoriant et en partageant ces pratiques, nous honorons non seulement cette riche diversité de connaissances, mais nous mettons également en lumière des stratégies pratiques qui peuvent inspirer des changements positifs. Cette entreprise souligne la nature collaborative de l'éducation des adultes efficace, transcendant les frontières géographiques pour une société plus inclusive et plus autonome. Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure alors que nous mettons en avant différentes pratiques d'ALE en vue de construire un paysage éducatif plus équitable, informé et florissant pour tous.
The video is prepared for the specific objectives of broadcasting on a national television station by MoE airtime, DVV International financed the video production by a private media company. The major objective is to advertise the volunteer movement in adult education programs in line to mobilize and facilitate community groups on basic functional adult literacy programs in rural, and semi-urban areas.
Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, is one of the most interesting places and unique places in Sub-Saharan Africa to volunteer within and abroad. As one of the oldest countries in Africa and the world, Ethiopia has a long national heritage and a distinct culture. However, it's still an underdeveloped country, and volunteer support is needed especially with community development, basic healthcare, and adult education. Adult education is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained self-educating activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values. It can mean any form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling, encompassing basic literacy to personal fulfillment as a lifelong learner.
The other second important message is about ‘the Education Torch’. Under the present circumstances, it is found very important and timely to evaluate the reading and writing skills of those citizens who took part in adult education and as a result, can read and write; and those who, though not involved in formal adult education, are yet able to read and write through having different learning opportunities; the evaluation program introduced for this purpose is called “Education Torch”; after the evaluation, the adults shall be recognized and certified on the basis of their evaluation results. In this regard, the video aims to introduce the Education Torch evaluation scheme and how adults are happy to be certified and join second-level programs like nonformal skill training, accelerated education, post-literacy, etc.