National Plan for Post-School Education and Training 2021-2030
This Plan simplifies, aligns, and clarifies the range of policy documents, plans, and strategies currently in existence that impact on the system without reducing the diversity of the system, but making it work better as a system, bringing together institutions and traditions with very different histories and investments, and finding ways of making them work together towards common goals.
The post-school education and training (PSET) system consists of three main types of public institutions: community education and training (CET) colleges, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges and higher education (HE) institutions, as well as private providers in the CET, TVET and HE sectors, all with an important role to play in the whole.
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Organisation Department of Higher Education and Training
Author DHET
Topic ALE
Region Southern Africa
Country South Africa
Sector Public sector
Type Policy & legislation