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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community

EDI Uganda

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EDI Uganda (Education and Development Initiatives Uganda) envisions and works to contribute to the attainment of a literate, prosperous, learning and just society


EDI Uganda’s mission is to be an outstanding civil society agency, facilitating the empowering process of individuals and communities for social change and sustainable development through education, advocacy, research, communication, compassion and advisory services.

EDI Uganda (formerly Adult Education Centre) which rebranded in 2014 as a Charity Organisation and registered as Company Limited by Guarantee under the Laws of Uganda. It is predominantly a youth and adult education-oriented organisation with more than two decades of practical experience focusing on the socially disadvantaged children, youths and adults. With its own office and basic training infrastructure at plot 3 republic street at Njeru, EDI Uganda is one of the few unique local founded and driven NGOs that has stood the test of time.

EDI Uganda works is organised under four programme areas namely

  • AEC Community College
  • Library and Communication Services
  • Child and Youth Education Support
  • Community Engagements

EDI Uganda

P.O. Box 720082, Buikwe, Uganda

Region East Africa

Country Uganda

Sector Civil society organisation / NGO