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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community

ATLAS - Association Tunisienne pour le Leadership l’Auto-développement et la Solidarité

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Vision Statement: To meet the needs of the most disadvantaged. The interventions of the ATLAS Foundation are primarily carried out in poor rural areas and for the benefit of deprived regions and populations.

Mission Statement: Through its initiatives, the ATLAS Foundation aims to:

  • Contribute to the economic and social promotion of poor populations living in rural areas.
  • Implement projects for the targeted populations.
  • Preserve cultural heritage and develop the spirit of initiative and creativity of the populations by safeguarding infrastructure and the environment.
  • Mobilize any resources likely to help achieve the objectives of the Foundation and the beneficiaries of the projects it initiates.

About Your Organization: The ATLAS Foundation is an association created in 1990 to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged. The interventions of the ATLAS Foundation are primarily carried out in poor rural areas and for the benefit of deprived regions and populations.

To date, the ATLAS Foundation has completed 30 projects with a total amount of 7.136 million dinars, benefiting 6,500 families in the governorates of Béja, Bizerte, and Jendouba.

The Foundation's activities are diversified and cover all fields:

  • Combating poverty.
  • Improving the quality of life and the environment.
  • Water management.
  • Small-scale farming.
  • Promoting rural women.
  • Education, basic health.
  • Handicrafts and the creation of stable sources of income, mainly through microcredit.

All the actions undertaken aim to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged populations and their engagement in an irreversible process of economic and social promotion.

Thanks to its actions, ATLAS has been accredited by the UN with observer status at the UN Economic and Social Council.

Address : Rue 8732 Imm SNIT, Bloc 10 Apprt. A1

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Region North Africa

Country Tunisia

Sector Civil society organisation / NGO