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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


The Magazine aims to promote the sharing of articles on topics relevant to the community of ALE professionals and practitioners in Africa – with a focus on new, topical information relating to the sector including new methods and approaches.

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    Family and Intergenerational Literacy and Learning - Ethiopia


    | Yoseph Abera Research

    FILL's (Family and Intergenerational Literacy and Learning) purpose is to improve the literacy learning and instruction of both adults and children, create a culture of learning among family members and support parents in their role as primary educators of their children. FILL's philosophy is that family is the beginning of learning.

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    l’Education des adultes en zone de crise politico-sécuritaire contribue au processus de stabilisation au Mali - Mali

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    La Covid-19 et l’éducation des adultes


    ALE under Covid-19

    La COVID-19 a créé une crise sanitaire qui affecte toutes les composantes de l’éducation. Selon l’UNESCO, les fermetures des écoles affectent plus de 90% de la population étudiante du monde.

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    Reflections: Oyama's story


    | Oyama Mkaza

    It is my second day at Ukukhanya Pre-primary School. It is Thursday around 10H30 in the morning and one of our sessions with community participants is underway. Umakhulu Nondlela Mbanjwa, who is 76 years old, working on one of the plots that is close to the school gate. She is digging the soil over. I

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    ALE in Prisons in Malawi - Malawi


    Participatory teaching

    John (not his real name) is serving a prison sentence at Zomba Central Prison for the second time. He attributes his second jail term to the lack of a source of income when he was earlier released from prison.

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    La prison locale Salé 2 se dote d’un studio d’enseignement à distance


    Rabat – La prison locale Salé 2 vient de se doter d’un studio d’enseignement à distance dans le cadre d’un programme d’action signé entre l’Institut de coopération internationale de la Confédération allemande pour l’éducation des adultes (DVV International) et la Fondation Mohammed VI pour la réinsertion des détenus.

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    Covid-19 et l’apprentissage des adultes à distance au Maroc


    ALE under Covid-19

    Les mesures de lutte contre le COVID-19 au Maroc ont un impact direct sur l’éducation en général et l’éducation des adultes en particulier : avec la fermeture des structures éducatives et le confinement à domicile, un nombre record de jeunes et d'adultes ne peuvent plus aller à l’école, à l’université ou aux centres non formels d’éducation des adultes.

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    Increasing the visibility of ALE in Malawi - Malawi


    ALE under Covid-19

    Education is a fundamental and indispensable human right that is key to the achievement of sustainable development – personal, community and national. Thus, it is not surprising that governments, donors and civil society stakeholders concentrate a lot of their efforts and funding on improving basic, secondary and tertiary education.

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