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Past events
Exploring ‘resilience’ and climate justice: challenges for ALE
| Global Webinar
In these times of extreme precarity, a new buzzword is ‘resilience’. In combination with adjectives resilience means many different things to different constituencies across the natural and social sciences, ranging from absorptive to adaptive; restorative to transformative resilience. This webinar explores different interpretations of resilience and outlines a variety of resilience capacities in the context of climate justice. We pose the questions: how do we as adult educators understand and utilise the concept of ‘resilience’? What understandings of `resilience’ are most useful and generative in the collective struggles towards climate justice?
For further information contact Dorothy Lucardie: dorothy.lucardie@bigpond.com.au
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining
the meeting.
Ecofeminism and Food Systems
| Southern Africa Webinar
Building food systems is becoming increasingly important and raises important questions about the role of adult educators. The Centre for Integrated Post-School Education and Training (CIPSET) at the Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa is currently running a series on Community Food Systems.
Susan Nakacwa is the speaker at this event. Susan joined GRAIN, an international non-profit organisation. in 2017 after working with several regional civil society organisations on the African continent. A journalist by training, her passion lies in researching, documenting and making the case for smallholder farming in Africa. Based in Kampala, Uganda, Susan works with GRAIN partners across the continent, especially on issues related to seeds, land grabs and trade policy.
Date: 12 May 2021
Time: 16:30 (CAT)
RSVP to: siyabulelam@mandela.ac.za
Zoom details: ID:999 3598 8869 Pass Code: 189406
Leave no one behind - Opportunities to build ALE in Africa
| Africa Meeting
Purposes of the meeting are:
(i) Reconnecting ALE practitioners with one another
(ii) Exploring opportunities to build ALE in Africa through ’We are ALE’ campaign; Swedish partnerships; Moja Website, Connection to Agenda 2030
(iii) Learning from recent study in Uganda by Dr Salome Awidi on literacy and sustainability amongst refugees
Draft Programme
- Welcome and check in
- Brief introduction to ‘We are ALE’ campaign – Carole Avande-Houndjo, Vice President, ICAE
- Short reports from KTO (Tanzania) and FSO (Sweden)
- Group discussion: how can we work with ‘We are ALE’ campaign
- Report on launch of Moja Africa, an online platform for adult educators in Africa
- Brief presentation ‘Literacy and sustainability amongst refugees’ - Dr Salome Awidi
- Discussion
- Pulling threads together for ways forward - discussion
RSVP if you want to attend the meeting to lina.remnert@sverigesfolkhogskolor.se
Time: 11:00-12:30 (CAT)
Upcoming events
ELOA-Online Round Table on “Learning and Aging in Organizations"
The ELOA network offers you the opportunity to attend an online round table which is part of its upcoming conference https://www.uha.fr/fr/actualites-agenda-1/agenda/th-esrea-eloa-conference.html (Mulhouse, 15-17 Jan.)
Full Title: “Learning and aging in organizations: Transformation, transitions and research challenges FOR the next decade”.
Venue/Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025,
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Place: University of Haute Alsace, ENSISA Lumière, room “Petit Amphithéâtre”
Remote participation via: link<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjcwNWNkMTMtMmY2Ni00YWM2LTk5MGQtMjQ3ZjdlMGY1YjJk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22158716cf-46b9-48ca-8c49-c7bb67e575f3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2264e6467e-9887-47db-ab23-a6538c7f6351%22%7d>
Past events
Call for Papers, Special Issue on Adult Education in the Context of Work
The Journal for Research on Adult Education is still calling for papers for its Thematic Issue 3/2025
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2025
Paper submission Deadline: 31 March 2025
Full Call available at: https://www.die-bonn.de/docs/ZfW-CfP-03-2025-EN_31102024.pdf