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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community

ALE Country Profile


Country Information

Chad flag


Central Africa


French, Arabic, 136 National Languages


17,844,762 (National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies)



Adult Learning and Education (ALE) is managed at the government level by the Ministry of National Education and Civic Promotion (MENPC), through the General Directorate of Literacy and Inclusive Education (DGAEI). This directorate includes various other central and decentralized directorates and technical services, including the Directorate of Literacy and Promotion of National Languages (DAPLAN) and the Directorate of Non-formal Education (DENF).

The government uses 61.7% of resources available for non-formal education directly. A further 30.7% is allocated to the private sector, with the remaining 7,6% going to local authorities.

The government works with local communities, recognizing the role and contribution of local partners, such as community-based organizations, in the delivery of ALE. The MENPC also collaborates with other ministries for the provision of ALE, including the Ministry of Higher Education, Innovation, and Vocational Training, the Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production, and the Ministry of Women and Child Protection.

Despite a favourable political environment, with the inclusion of ALE in the National Development Plan supported by an interim strategy, Chad still faces a high illiteracy rate of 78%, with significant gender disparities: 69% among men and 86% among women (RGPH2, 2009). Only 2% of the total education budget is allocated to AEA.

Chad Landscape Triptych

Chad endorses the UNESCO-UIL RAMAA/RAMAED project (Action Research on the Measurement of Learning and Educational Alternatives), which states that:

Non-formal education includes all educational and training activities carried on out outside public and/or private education structures… Non-formal education is aimed at anyone wishing to receive specific training in a non-school setting.

ALE includes two learning cycles: the basic literacy cycle and the specific technical training cycle (or optional cycle). Basic literacy also includes complementary components focussing on community life and psychosocial training. The specific technical training cycle includes vocational training, transitioning from local languages to French and Arabic.

In 2023-2024, 133,747 learners (including 92,463 women) enrolled in 2,758 literacy centres. Public centres accounted for 76.7% of these, while the remaining 23.3% were private. 53.7% of learners came from rural areas. The age breakdown of learners was as follows:

33.9%: aged 15 to 24

36.3%: aged 25 to 34

21.9%: aged 35 to 49

6.9%: aged 50 to 64, and

1% above 65 years.

Many civil society organizations also contribute to the ALE subsector. Some of the main organisations include the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL Chad), the Chadian Association for Literacy, Linguistics, and Translation of the Language and Bible (ATALTRAB), and the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for the Development of Education in Chad (COSOCIDE TCHAD).

International organizations involved in the ALE sector include UNESCO, Swiss Cooperation and Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Regional organizations such as PAMOJA Education, the Institute for Literacy and Non-formal Education Training (IFAENF), and the High Institute of Education of Niger (ENS) focus on networking and capacity building for ALE.

ALE and the education sector in general is guided by various national documents and processes. The government has developed these in cooperation with various national and organisations. These include the Project to Strengthen Education and Literacy in Chad (PREAT), the National Literacy Programme (PNA) and the Report on the Status of the Education System.

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    11 December 2024 | Présidence de La République Primature - Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale Alphabétisation , Éducation

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